This post contains some of the best nicknames for Matthew.
What Does The Name Matthew Mean?
The name Matthew is derived from the Hebrew name “Matityahu” or “Mattithiah,” meaning “gift of Yahweh” or “gift from God.”
The name has biblical origins and is associated with the apostle Matthew, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ.
Matthew is also considered to be the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament, which bears his name.
People with the name Matthew are often described as compassionate, friendly, and reliable.
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Nicknames For Matthew
1. Baby M Hew
2. Bestie Matty
3. Big boy Matt
4. Catty Matty
5. Diplomatt
6. Happy Matty
7. Hatty
8. Hew
9. Hewey
10. HewHew
11. Hewmorous
12. Hewmungous
13. Hew-waa-waa
14. Hewy
15. Huey
16. Huw
17. Little M
18. M&M
19. Maaaw
20. Mac
21. Mack
22. Maddie
23. Magical Matt
24. Mags
25. Maitas
26. Maitiu
27. Major Matty
28. Makaio
29. Mammy
30. Mango
31. Manimal
32. Manny
33. Mao
34. Mash
35. Mashu
36. Mat
37. Mat & cheese
38. Mata
39. Matamachu
40. Mataronie
41. Match
42. Mate
43. Matej
44. Matencesse
45. Mateo
46. Mate-o
47. Mateusz
48. Matey
49. Math
50. Matheu
51. Mathew
52. Mathias
53. Mathical
54. Mathieu
55. Maths
56. Mathz
57. Matias
58. Matija
59. Matio
60. Matius
61. Mato
62. Mats
63. Matt
64. Matt man
65. Matt n Cheese
66. Matta
67. Mattador
68. Mattage
69. Mattaniah
70. Mattatat
71. Mattatattat
72. Mattathias
73. Mattato
74. Mattatto
75. Mattaus
76. Mattchu
77. Mattchu Pachu
78. Mattdonalds
79. Matted
80. Mattel
81. Mattemattics
82. Mattencesse
83. Matteo
84. Matters
85. Mattey
86. Matthaios
87. Matthias
88. Matthias
89. Matthieu
90. Matthijis
91. Mattholomeu
92. Matthrew
93. Matthusela
94. Matticus
95. Mattie
96. Mattison
97. Matto
98. Matty
99. Matwho
100. Matz
101. May
102. Mayo
103. Mays
104. Maz
105. Mazzy
106. Mew
107. Mister Matt
108. Moo
Remember, nicknames are subjective and may vary based on personal preference or inside jokes. Use the ones that make you feel comfortable and reflect your personality!
International Variations of The Name Matthew
- Maciej – Polish
- Maitas – Celtic
- Maitiu – Anglo-Saxon
- Maiu – Gaelic
- Makaio – Hawaiian
- Mate – Georgian
- Matej – Czech
- Mathias – Scandinavian
- Mathuin – Irish
- Matija – Serbian
- Mato – Croatian
- Mattaniah – Biblical
- Mattathias – Greek
- Matthieu – French
- Matthijis – Dutch
- Matus – Slovak
- Matvei – Russian
- Motya – Russian
Girl Versions of The Name Matthew
1. Matilda – Derived from the Germanic name “Mahthildis,” meaning “strength in battle.”
2. Mattea – A feminine variation of Matthew, representing “gift of Yahweh” or “gift from God.”
3. Mathilde – Originating from the Germanic name “Mathhildis,” it means “mighty in battle” or “strong in war.”
4. Maité – A Basque name meaning “lovable” or “beloved.”
5. Matia – A Greek name derived from “Matthaios,” meaning “gift of Yahweh.”
6. Matea – Derived from the Hebrew name “Mattityahu,” it carries the same meaning as Matthew: “gift of Yahweh.”
7. Mateja – A Slovene and Croatian name derived from Matthew, signifying “gift of Yahweh.”
8. Mattea – Similar to Mattea, this name represents the same meaning of “gift of Yahweh.”
9. Matleena – A Finnish variation of Matilda, meaning “mighty in battle.”
10. Mattina – An Italian name derived from Matthew, translating to “gift of Yahweh” or “gift from God.”
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