This post contains some of the best stay at home mom quotes.
Stay At Home Mom Quotes
1. “About six months into my new role as a stay-at-home mom, I realized something had to give. Either I had to return to the workforce and find a daycare for my daughter, or I needed to look at my new life as a stay-at-home mom in a different light. Clearly, the stereotypes of stay-at-home moms I’d witnessed in the media were misrepresented. I needed to redefine the role on my own terms. I would stop trying to fit the mold of what I thought a stay-at-home mom was, and I would intentionally recreate the role in a way that worked best for my daughter, my husband, and most importantly, me.” – Kristin M. Helms
2. “Adjustment to stay-at-home motherhood doesn’t end at three months, or six months, or when the baby turns one. It doesn’t end when baby number two comes along, or when they’re both out of diapers. It doesn’t end at preschool, or kindergarten, or the first time they climb the steps onto the school bus. Amazingly, and sometimes infuriatingly, adjustment to at-home motherhood is ongoing, taking new forms and nuances at every novel stage of life and child development. The things you have to get used to as the mom of a newborn are different from the things you have to get used to when you send your youngest off to all-day school for the first time. The challenges of spending all day with toddlers morph into the challenges of being the kindergarten room parent, or weighing the pros and cons of taking on a new part-time job from home.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
3. “Apparently there’s this wide-spread rumor that stay-at-home moms have a lot of free time on our hands. Sometimes friends who are working moms, our partners, or other friends and family may start asking for favors because they think we now have the time to help them, especially during the workweek when we’re “not working.” As a natural-born people-pleaser it’s always been hard for me to say no and feel like I’ve let someone down. But I’ve realized, especially during my time as a stay-at-home mom, my time is precious and my plate is full. I’ve embraced saying no, and let me tell you, it’s liberating.” – Kristin M. Helms
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4. “As for guilt, I know that all moms have it. And in general, dads have it less than moms do. But stay-at-home mom guilt feels different from working mom guilt because, from what I understand, working moms want to be there for their kids and feel bad that they have to be away. SAHM guilt is the opposite —you are there for your kids and feel bad that you desperately want to get the heck away from them.” – Sara Blanchard
5. “As stay-at-home moms we instinctually feel guilty when we’re not happy or enjoying every second with our children at home. Maybe it’s because we feel like we don’t deserve to have this role if we’re not enjoying it 100 percent of the time. That’s just absurd. We are human, and these adversities, par for the stay-at-home mom course, are not for the faint of heart. These are incredibly trying realities we’re faced with daily. It’s important to acknowledge them so we don’t expect a rose-colored life full of only good moments, at home raising children. And most importantly, let’s acknowledge them here and now so we don’t feel guilty when they pop up through the course of our journey as stay-at-home moms.” – Kristin M. Helms
6. “Being a stay-at-home mom can be a lonely prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Moms make the choice to be stay-at-home parents for many reasons, but ultimately the idea is to be present for your children in a way that you believe will best support their growth and development. Many moms are afraid to make this choice because of the isolation and mind-numbing repetition that accompanies the role of a stay-at-home mom in this day and age, especially as we have fallen into the habit of focusing on these children as projects to be cultivated instead of people to be enjoyed.” – Sara Blanchard
7. “Being a stay-at-home mom does not mean that you’ve become Superwoman and can now accomplish everything that needs to get done on your own. Sure, you don’t go into a job every day, but don’t forget you are working hard every day. Identify the weak points in your life and daily routine where you feel the most stretched or stressed about and brainstorm ways to enlist help in those areas.” – Kristin M. Helms
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8. “Enlightening your old friends and family members about how your life is changing and sharing the hardships and triumphs that you may be experiencing in your new role as a stay-at-home mom will help your loved ones understand your new life. Open communication will also allow your relationships to grow and evolve through the change.” – Kristin M. Helms
9. “Even skipping over those tough first few years of parenthood, when so much is dominated by lack of sleep and lack of structure, and talking only about post-toddler years, it’s easy for stay-at-home moms to let themselves be consumed by the seemingly all-encompassing task of raising children. When it’s your job to be with them, to challenge them, to nurture them, to teach them, to feed them, there’s not much time (let alone energy) left for you to suddenly assert that you have to reach a certain deadline for a new project you came up with.” – Sara Blanchard
10. “Fortunately, there is hope: being the primary caregiver for your children doesn’t have to make you feel so invisible and lonely.” – Sara Blanchard
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11. “I don’t care what you think of me, or my decision, or what you think I do every day. I don’t care because I know my truth. I know the realities and details of life as a stay-at-home mom—the all-consuming, beautiful, messy, selfless work I do every single day, and through the night, and sometimes into the wee-hours of the morning. Yes, I know it very well.” – Kristin M. Helms
12. “I don’t wish for any stay-at-home mom to feel guilty for NOT working. Studies show a stay-at-home mom contributes a LOT of monetary value to the household just by being at home, not to mention the even more significant intangible value she is to her children.” – Anita Fowler & Karen Jensen
13. “I found that as a modern-day woman, I didn’t fit the mold of the traditional stay-at-home mom. While domestic responsibilities still needed to be a part of my new role, I began looking for ways to redefine this new path, on my own terms. From this realization came the courage to deprioritize the “expected” domestic routine and responsibilities and prioritize: raising good humans; venturing out of the house; nurturing my own body, mind, and soul; and empowering myself to resurrect old passions and turn those into a hobby, and eventually, a side business. Just because I was a stay-at-home mom didn’t mean I was contractually obligated to stay home every day and iron my husband’s underwear. There was a whole big wide world out there, and I suddenly gained the courage to go and explore it, with my precious kiddos!” – Kristin M. Helms
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14. “I truly believe that the only way society will stop marginalizing the work of stay-at-home moms is if we, stay-at-home moms, stop letting them. We have the power to define our roles appropriately, and show others how this role should be viewed, respected, and celebrated. But in order to spread this newfound appreciation for stay-at-home moms and sing our worth, we must first do that from within.” – Kristin M. Helms
15. “I’ve heard it time and time again in response to the question, “What do you do for a living?” (I’ve been a culprit of saying it, too): “Oh, I’m just a stay-at-home mom.” Just. Such a small word that labels your life and your work as unimportant. Let’s remove “just” from our description, shall we? Mamas, we are so much more than “just.”” – Kristin M. Helms
16. “If you’ve always been at home, you’ve probably been asked, “So what do you do for a living?” When you say, “Oh, I stay home with my kids,” the response is often a polite but patronizing, “Oh, how nice.” Once these people stop pitying those of us who do decide to stay home, they’ll find out that some of the stay-at-home moms used to be lawyers, doctors, and engineers. Others, like myself, had to put off their education because of family responsibilities.” – Liz Folger
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17. “In order to embrace your new life as a stay-at-home mom, it’s essential that you draw a clear line in the sand: letting go of your old career life and fully accepting your new role at home with your child/children.” – Kristin M. Helms
18. “It’s sad that the only stay-at-home moms portrayed in the media are bickering housewives with bottomless bank accounts, or commercials associated with mops and cleaning products. It’s no wonder there is no value placed in our roles. Meanwhile, working moms are portrayed with a cape and called “super mom” for bringing home the bacon and then frying it in the pan. (Note: Working moms definitely deserve that cape, but stay-at-home moms do, too.)” – Kristin M. Helms
19. “Just because I was now a stay-at-home mom without a career didn’t mean I wasn’t also the same strong, capable woman who had always believed in myself—from the time I was 10 years old, passing out business cards, to the 30-year-old running a marketing department for a Fortune 500 company. In this new season of life, I was now a mother, but I was also still me.” – Kristin M. Helms
20. “Leaving your job to become a stay-at-home mom while your partner steps into the role as sole financial provider for your family, only add more uncertainty and more change.” – Kristin M. Helms
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21. “Let’s acknowledge all the hardships of being a stay-at-home mom and get these words off our chests and out into the open: mundane, sacrificial, hard work, selfless, chaotic, boring, lackluster, patience-testing, limit-pushing, physically taxing, tiring, overwhelming, lonely. Feel free to add additional words—anything negative you might be feeling about your new role.” – Kristin M. Helms
22. “Mamas, here’s the real, stripped-down, strikingly honest truth: This season of life is tough. Being a stay-at-home mom is tough. I was caught off-guard on just how difficult it was to take on a role that demanded my complete attention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” – Kristin M. Helms
23. “Nobody is perfect. We can all pinpoint parts of ourselves that we want to dispose of and try again. What was once important and helpful to us in our career lives may become utterly unimportant and useless to us as stay-at-home moms.” – Kristin M. Helms
24. “Now pretend you’ve made the life-altering decision to pivot off of your career path and begin blazing your own journey through the woods as a stay-at-home mom. The journey that lies ahead of you is not well defined. In fact, there is no path at all, just open woods. You’re not sure how life will be without the trail laid out in front of you, but you know you want to experience the beauty of nature in its purest form, up close in person.” – Kristin M. Helms
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25. “One of the best parts about being a stay-at-home mom is that sense of accomplishment and flow when you’re truly rocking the awesome-mama role. I don’t mean being perfect; I mean being on your game, whatever that means to you: handling the household crises, running the carpool, supervising the games and art projects and nature walks, doing the heavy lifting (often literally) of baby/toddler/childcare with energy and enthusiasm.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
26. “Only stay-at-home moms know the truth behind this role: Being a stayat-home mom is a valuable existence. It’s hard work with huge results (you know, raising tiny humans). And you deserve to feel pride in that role.” – Kristin M. Helms
27. “Society doesn’t give mothers enough credit for the job they perform. Also, in the long run, stay-at-home moms will have healthier children.” – Liz Folger
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28. “Some of you have been on both sides of this: You’ve been both a working mom and a stay-at-home mom. If you’ve done both, then you understand in a way I cannot the struggles that working moms face every day. While we all know that work may provide a sense of escape that we long for during this transition, the benefits of being home are numerous when we really consider them. ” – Jen Babakhan
29. “Stay-at-home moms need support, too. After all, isn’t raising tiny humans the biggest “project” you’ve ever been given?” – Kristin M. Helms
30. “Stay-at-home moms: I see you and I feel you, because I am you. I see you putting your career on hold and staying home with your children every day. I see you there through the mundane and trying times of raising tiny humans. I know the complex feelings and big sacrifices laced within your decision to stay home. I see you and see how hard you’re working day in and day out—juggling all of the emotions, all of the tasks, all of the responsibilities with raising a family. I see you.” – Kristin M. Helms
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31. “The biggest disconnects or misconceptions about what a stay-at-home mom does all day are simply because the majority of people in this world are not stay-at-home moms or have never been one. They have no idea what the role looks like from the inside, just as I will never know the ins and outs of being a doctor or a lawyer or an astronaut. One cannot begin to comprehend someone else’s job or role unless that person shares her story, her journey, her hardships, and her wins.” – Kristin M. Helms
32. “The blessing of slow and intentional living is unique to stay-at-home motherhood and one that we must steward well. The gift of time and the ability to determine how we spend it is a gift we cannot take lightly—nor should we let these precious hours in our days slip by without notice. Find the time to explore what makes your heart beat wildly. Explore with focus and purpose the interests of your children.” – Jen Babakhan
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33. “The first step in adjusting to stay-at-home motherhood is to understand that all the challenges we’ll talk about are real, and that your “What the heck?” reaction is valid. It’s normal to feel frustrated that at-home motherhood is the only job around that requires 24/7 shifts and includes lunch “breaks” during which you feed, in addition to yourself, another human being. It’s normal to miss coffee breaks with your colleagues every afternoon at three. It’s perfectly normal to wonder how in the world you could be so intelligent and talented in so many ways and yet not have the slightest idea how to handle a crying baby.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
34. “The opportunities for stay-at-home mothers to pursue their dreams are greater than ever. Online courses allow you to become educated on just about anything as you sit in the comfort of your yoga pants and the couch.” – Jen Babakhan
35. “The tasks of at-home motherhood are amorphous and never-ending; they expand to fill the available time, whether that’s five minutes or forty-five. Whether you’re changing a million (or so it seems) diapers a day or packing school lunches, nursing a baby or attending school-volunteer meetings, it all takes time, and it’s too easy to fill every nonstop moment in your mothering day with the relentless needs of your children and family, at the neglect of your own physical and emotional self.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
36. “The transition for a family to go from “your money” and “my money” to “our money” is a slow one, and requires everyone to be on board in order for you, as a stay-at-home mom, to feel a sense of worth.” – Sara Blanchard
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37. “The truth is that parenthood, in any form, is hard. Perhaps you made the transition to stay-at-home motherhood a few years after your children were born. You tried the working mom way of life, and this is where you feel called to be in this season. For some of you, adoption may have been the road you walked to motherhood, and staying home with your new child is necessary for a multitude of reasons. Regardless of what led you to this place, grace is the answer. You would never tell your best friend that she must not love her children if she feels grief over what her life used to look like, so don’t speak so harshly to yourself either. Give yourself the grace you give to others.” – Jen Babakhan
38. “The truth is, an awful lot of stay-at-home moms struggle with self-care, even when the babies become toddlers, and preschoolers, and grade-schoolers.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
39. “There are many, many benefits to being a stay-at-home parent, to being able to hold space for your children and your household. However, being miserable during the experience negates some of these benefits for your children, and leaves you feeling like you’ve spent several years of your life floundering around.” – Sara Blanchard
40. “While we may want to buck the system entirely and decide not to do laundry or cook meals, all in the name of modern stay-at-home mothering, that’s not realistic. You will still need to carve out some time for managing your household. My battle cry is simply this: The role of a stay-at-home mom does not stop at domestic duties. You can make this existence so much more. The key is finding balance between your responsibilities at home and activities that will catapult your new existence into a whole new realm of possibility—where self-esteem, self-worth, and happiness live.” – Kristin M. Helms
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41. “Working moms juggle their jobs and their households and, while they don’t know what stay-at-home moms do all day, they are busy running their own lives and probably don’t make the time to ask a stay-at-home mom what she does. The same goes for stay-at-home moms who do not inherently understand the working mom’s juggling act. This disconnect can lead to judgment, so if you’re finding yourself judging others, take the time to be curious.” – Sara Blanchard
42. “You took on all the overnight shifts yourself because you were the stay-at-home parent, the one who didn’t have an outside responsibility to wake up for the next day. So, even though you didn’t get more than one complete sleep cycle per night for months, you pushed through the fatigue and eagerly waited for the next stage. ” – Sara Blanchard
43. “You will get stuck in some of the privations of being a stay-at-home mom—we all do. Some days, your toddler will wake up in a mood and you’ll be running on just a few hours of sleep because the baby was up all night teething, and you’ll just know that it’s going to be one of those days.” – Kristin M. Helms
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44. “Parenting a baby is hard. Parenting a newborn is shockingly hard. And most of us didn’t get a graduate degree or complete an experiential internship in Being a Full-Time, Stay-at-Home Mom. It can be more than a little disorienting to suddenly be the CEO (Oh, and hey! Also the middle manager, administrative assistant, and custodial staff!) of Project Baby/ Toddler/Child-Raising, when you either missed the new-staff orientation because you were busy with third-trimester manic Twizzler-eating or you slept right through it.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
45. “Most new stay-at-home moms are just like you: floundering, confused, disoriented, and exhausted from finding out all the things they don’t know. Which is exactly why you need to connect with them.” – Shannon Hyland-Tassava PhD
Related: Breastfeeding Resources (Information, Apps, Books, Podcasts)
Tips for Stay-At-Home Moms
Here are some tips for managing your time and reducing stress:
1. Create a daily routine – Establishing a routine helps your children understand what to expect throughout the day and can help you manage your time more effectively.
2. Make time for yourself – Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your children. Find time every day to do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk or just relaxing.
3. Connect with other moms – Reach out to other moms in your community or online. Sharing experiences and parenting tips can be helpful and empowering.
4. Take advantage of nap time – Use nap time as an opportunity to catch up on household chores or take a break.
5. Be flexible – Remember that plans can change quickly when you have young children. Be prepared to adjust your schedule and expectations as needed.
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As a stay-at-home mom, you are doing one of the most important jobs in the world – raising and nurturing your children.
Being a full-time caregiver can be demanding and challenging, but also incredibly rewarding.
Remember, you are doing an amazing job as a stay-at-home mom!

