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Best +65 Modern Baby Girl Names

Modern Baby Girl Names

This post contains some of the best modern baby girl names.

Modern Baby Girl Names

1. Amara

The name Amara has multiple meanings depending on the origin. In Igbo, a language spoken in Nigeria, Amara means “grace” or “mercy”. In Sanskrit, an ancient language of India, it means “immortal”. It can also be related to the Arabic word “ammar” which means “long-lived” or “prolonged”.

2. Cassia

Cassia is a name of Greek origin meaning “cinnamon.” It can also be derived from the Hebrew name Kezia meaning “cassia tree” or “cassia bark.”

3. Leilani

The name Leilani is of Hawaiian origin and means “heavenly flower” or “royal child of heaven”. It is a combination of the words “lei”, meaning wreath or garland, and “lani”, meaning sky or heaven. The name is often given to girls born in Hawaii or with Hawaiian heritage. It has become popular outside of Hawaii as well, especially in the United States.

4. Niamh

Niamh is an Irish name that means “brightness” or “radiance”. In Irish mythology, Niamh was a goddess who was the daughter of the god of the sea and who married the hero Oisin.

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5. Orla

Orla is a unisex name of Irish origin. It means “golden princess” or “golden ruler”.

6. Saskia

Saskia is a name of Dutch origin, derived from the word “Saksen,” which means “Saxon” or “people of Saxony.” It was a popular name in the Netherlands during the 17th century, and it is still commonly used today. The name is often associated with beauty and grace.

7. Eira

This Welsh name means “snow” and is perfect for a winter baby.

8. Freya

Freya is a name of Scandinavian origin and is derived from the Old Norse word “Freyja”, which means “lady” or “mistress”. In Norse mythology, Freya was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She was known for her gentle and kind nature, as well as her exceptional wisdom and magical powers.

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9. Kai

This name has Hawaiian origins and means “sea” or “ocean.” It’s trendy due to its simple yet exotic sound and connection to nature.

10. Everly

This name has English roots meaning “from the boar meadow,” but has become a trendy choice for parents who prefer unique and modern names.

11. Hazel

This name means “the hazelnut tree” and has become a popular choice for parents who love vintage or old-fashioned names.

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12. Aria

The name Aria has a few different meanings, depending on its origin. In Italian, Aria means “air” or “song” and is often used in music to refer to a vocal melody. In Persian, Aria means “noble” or “honorable”. In Hebrew, Aria means “lioness”.

13. Sophia

Sophia is a Greek name that means “wisdom” or “knowledge.”

14. Nova

Nova is a Latin word that means “new” or “young”. In astronomy, a nova is a sudden brightening of a star that then fades over time. It can also refer to a new beginning or fresh start.

15. Olivia

The name Olivia is of Latin origin and it means “olive tree”.

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16. Camila

The name Camila is of Latin origin and it means “young religious servant” or “virgin of unspoiled character”. It is also believed to be derived from the Roman name Camillus, which means “noble youth”.

17. Grace

The name Grace has Latin origins and means “elegance” or “charm.” It is also associated with the concept of divine grace, which is unmerited favor or mercy shown by God. The name is often given to girls and represents qualities such as kindness, generosity, and gentleness.

18. Isabella

Isabella is a feminine given name of Italian origin. It is a variation of the name Isabel or Elizabeth, which means “God is my oath” or “pledged to God”.

19. Stella

The name Stella means “star” in Latin. It was derived from the word “stella” which is used to describe the celestial bodies that sparkle in the sky at night. The name has been associated with brightness, guidance and inspiration, which makes it a popular choice for parents who want their child to shine in life.

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20. Penelope

Penelope is a name of Greek origin, which means “weaver” or “one who weaves”. In Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, who spent 20 years weaving a shroud for her father-in-law while her husband was away at war. The name is also associated with faithfulness, perseverance, and intelligence.

21. Natalie

Natalie is a feminine given name of Latin origin. The name means “birthday of the Lord” or “born on Christmas Day”, as it is derived from the Latin word “natalis”, which means “birthday”. The name became popular in the Middle Ages and was traditionally given to girls born on or near Christmas Day.

22. Abigail

Abigail is a female given name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my father’s joy” or “source of joy”. It was originally spelled as Avigail in Hebrew, and it appears in the Bible as the name of King David’s third wife.

23. Lila

Lila is a name of Arabic origin that means “night” or “dark-haired beauty”. It can also be derived from the Sanskrit word “līlā”, which means “play” or “divine play”. In Hindu mythology, Lila is also the name of the divine energy that creates and sustains the universe.

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24. Adeline

Adeline is a feminine given name of German origin, which means “noble” or “nobility”.

25. Zara

Zara is a name of Arabic origin, meaning “blooming flower” or “radiance”. It can also have Hebrew origins and mean “seed” or “to scatter”.

26. Violet

Violet is a name of English origin that refers to the flower of the same name. The meaning of Violet is “purple-blue flower”. It is also associated with the color purple, which is often seen as a symbol of royalty, luxury, and spiritual enlightenment. People with this name are said to be creative, imaginative, and often possess a calm and serene personality.

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27. Maya

Maya is a name with multiple meanings and origins. In Sanskrit, it means “illusion” or “magic”. In Hebrew, it means “water” or “the great one”. It is also a name of Greek origin, which means “good mother” or “nurse”.

28. Sienna

Sienna is a beautiful Italian name that refers to a reddish-brown color that resembles the earthy pigment used in the city of Siena, Italy. The name is often associated with warmth, nature, and art.

29. Ellie

The name Ellie is a diminutive of the name Eleanor which means “light”, “shining” or “bright one”. It can also be a nickname for other names such as Elizabeth, Elspeth, or Ellen.

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30. Clara

The name Clara is derived from the Latin word “clarus” which means “bright, clear, famous”. It has been popularized by Saint Clare of Assisi, a follower of Saint Francis of Assisi. The name is often associated with intelligence and purity, and is also a popular name for girls in many different cultures.

31. Peyton

The name Peyton is of English origin and means “fighting man’s estate”. It is often used as a unisex name.

32. Leah

The name Leah has Hebrew origins and means “weary” or “delicate”. In the Bible, Leah was the first wife of Jacob and mother to six of his sons.

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33. Kennedy

Kennedy is an Irish surname that means “armored.” It was originally a family name, but it became popular as a given name in the 1960s after John F. Kennedy became President of the United States.

34. Athena

Athena is a name of Greek origin, derived from the goddess Athena who is known in Greek mythology as the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. The name Athena means “wisdom” or “bright,” and is often associated with intelligence, creativity, and leadership qualities.

35. Mackenzie

Mackenzie is a unisex name of Scottish origin that means “fire-born”, “good looking”, “son of Kenneth”.

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36. Emilia

The name Emilia is of Latin origin and means “rival” or “emulating.” It is also considered to be a variation of the name Emily, which means “industrious” or “hardworking.”

37. Brielle

Brielle is a feminine given name of French origin. It is derived from the name Gabriel, meaning “God is my strength”.

38. Keira

Keira is an Irish name that means “dark-haired” or “black-haired”.

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39. Arianna

The name Arianna is a Greek name meaning “most holy”. It is a variant spelling of the name Ariadne, which in Greek mythology was the daughter of King Minos and was known for helping Theseus escape from the Labyrinth.

40. Ella

Ella is a name of English origin, which means “all” or “fairy”. It can also be considered as a short form of other names such as Eleanor, Elizabeth, and Isabella. The name has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many famous personalities bearing the name Ella.

41. Genevieve

The name Genevieve is of French origin and means ” of the race of women ” or “white wave”. It is derived from the Latin name Genovefa which was a combination of two elements: “geno”, which means “inborn”, and “vefa” which means “wave”. Saint Genevieve is the patron saint of Paris and her name has been popular throughout history in French-speaking countries.

42. Quinn

The name Quinn is of Irish origin and means “descendant of Conn”, where Conn means “chief” or “intelligence”. It is also believed to have derived from the Gaelic word “cuin” which means “wise” or “sensible”.

43. Georgia

Georgia is a feminine given name of Greek origin, which means “farmer” or “earth-worker”. It is derived from the Greek word “georgos”, which combines “ge” meaning “earth” and “ergon” meaning “work”. Georgia is also the name of a state in the southeastern United States.

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44. Aurora

Aurora is a Latin name that means “dawn”. In Roman mythology, Aurora was the goddess of the dawn who would rise at dawn to bring light to the world and awaken the earth and its inhabitants.

45. Piper

The name Piper is of English origin and it means “pipe player” or “flute player”. It was originally an occupational name for someone who played the pipe or flute, but now it is used as a modern given name. People with this name are said to be creative, artistic, and free-spirited. They are often drawn to music and have a natural talent for playing instruments.

46. Juliette

Juliette is a name of French origin and it means “youthful” or “young at heart”. It is a variant of the name Juliet, which became famous after the Shakespearean play “Romeo and Juliet”.

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47. Jade

Jade is a beautiful and highly valued stone that has been used throughout history for both its aesthetic qualities and its supposed healing properties. In some cultures, the name Jade is believed to represent purity, strength, wisdom and protection. It is also associated with good luck, prosperity and longevity.

48. Madelyn

Madelyn is a variant spelling of the name Madeline, which is of French origin. It is derived from the name Magdalene, which means “of Magdala,” a town in Palestine. The name is also associated with Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus who was present at his crucifixion and resurrection.

49. Anastasia

Anastasia is a feminine given name of Greek origin, derived from the word “anastasis” which means “resurrection” or “rebirth”. The name was popularized by early Christian martyrs and saints who were named Anastasia because they were said to have been resurrected from the dead. It is a name associated with hope, new beginnings and strength.

50. Harley

The name Harley is of Old English origin and means “meadow of the hares” or “the long field.” It was originally used as a surname before becoming popular as a first name.

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51. Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a name that originally comes from the borough of Brooklyn in New York City, USA. The name is believed to come from the Dutch word “Breukelen,” which means “broken land” or “small tream.”

52. Serenity

The name Serenity means a state of calmness, tranquility, and peacefulness. It is derived from the Latin word “serenus” which means clear, calm, and bright. The name implies a person who possesses a calming presence and radiates a sense of inner peace. It is often given to baby girls as a hopeful message that they will bring serenity and peace into their family and community.

53. Evangeline

The name Evangeline is of Greek origin and means “bearer of good news”.

54. Sadie

Sadie is a feminine given name of Hebrew origin meaning “princess”.

55. Skylar

Skylar is a gender-neutral name of English origin, which means “eternally free” or “eternal life”. It is also associated with the sky, as the name is derived from the Old Norse word “ský” which means “cloud”.

56. Caroline

The name Caroline is of French origin and it means “free woman” or “song of happiness”. It is derived from the name Carolus, which is the Latin form of Charles.

57. Luna

The name Luna is of Latin origin and it means “moon”. It is a beautiful and unique name for a baby girl. The moon has long been associated with femininity, intuition, and mystery, which makes this name very fitting for a strong and independent young woman.

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58. Ava

The name Ava is of Latin origin and means “bird” or “life”. It is also believed to be a variation of the name Eve, which means “life” in Hebrew.

59. Isla

The name Isla is of Scottish origin and means “island”. It is also a variation of the name Aila, which means “from a strong place”.

60. Mia

Mia is a name of Italian origin and means “mine” or “my own”. It is also derived from various other languages, including Hebrew, where it means “beloved”.

61. Chloe

Chloe is a Greek name derived from the word “khloe” which means “young green shoot” or “blooming”. It is often associated with springtime and new beginnings.

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62. Harper

The name Harper is of English origin and it means “harper” or “one who plays the harp”. Historically, a harper was a musician who played the harp at gatherings or events. The name has become increasingly popular as a first name in recent years, and is often chosen for its pleasant sound and musical association.

63. Charlotte

The name Charlotte is of French origin and means “free man” or “petite” and it is the feminine form of Charles. It is a popular name that has been used for centuries and is associated with qualities such as elegance, sophistication, and strength.

64. Mila

The name Mila has a Slavic origin and means “gracious” or “dear”. It is also believed to be a shortened version of names such as Camila, Ludmila, or Milena.

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65. Amelia

The name Amelia is of Latin and German origin, meaning “industrious” or “hard-working”. It also has the meaning of “defender” or “protector”. The name was very popular in the 19th century and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

66. Scarlett

The name Scarlett is of English origin and means “bright red” or “scarlet cloth”. It is also associated with the color red, which symbolizes passion, love, and warmth. People with this name are often thought to be strong-willed, passionate, and independent.

67. Emma

Emma is a feminine given name of German origin. It means “whole” or “universal”.

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How to Choose a Name for Your Baby?

When it comes to choosing a name for your baby, there are several things to consider:

1. Meaning and significance: Consider the meaning and significance behind the name you choose. Does it have any particular cultural or familial significance? Does it represent something important to you or your partner?

2. Sound and pronunciation: Make sure the name is easy to pronounce and spell. Consider how it will sound with the last name and if it flows well together.

3. Uniqueness: Some parents prefer unique names while others prefer more traditional names. Decide on what feels right for you as a parent.

4. Future implications: Remember that your child will likely carry this name for their entire life. Consider how it will impact them in school, career, and personal relationships.

5. Personal preference: Ultimately, the decision should come down to what you and your partner like and feel represents your child.

It can also be helpful to make a list of potential names and narrow it down as you discuss and consider each option.

Don’t be afraid to take your time and consider all factors before making a final decision.

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Journaling Prompts to Help You Choose a Name for Your Baby

Here are some journaling prompts to help you choose a name for your baby:

1. What are some names that have special meaning to me and my partner/family? Why do they hold significance?

2. Am I drawn to more traditional or modern names? Why?

3. Are there any names that have a significant cultural or ethnic connection for me and my partner/family?

4. Do I want a name that is easy to pronounce and spell, or am I okay with a more unique or unusual name?

5. How important is it to me that the name has a positive meaning or symbolism?

6. Am I more interested in a gender-neutral name or a name that is clearly associated with either male or female?

7. How does the name sound when combined with our last name?

8. Have I considered the potential nicknames or shortened versions of the name? Do I like them?

9. What is my overall feeling or intuition about certain names? Which ones feel “right” for my baby?

10. Have I talked with my partner/family about names we like and don’t like? Are there any compromises we need to make?

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Resources For Naming Your Baby

Social Security Administration’s Popular Baby Names ( The SSA provides a list of top 1,000 names from 1880 to the present year and can help save your kid from being one of 15 others in his class with the same name.

The Baby Name Wizard ( The Baby Name Wizard is a website that helps parents and expectant parents find the perfect name for their baby. The site offers a variety of tools and resources to aid in the search for a name, including a searchable database of thousands of names, popularity charts, name meanings and origins, and name suggestions based on various criteria such as cultural or historical significance, celebrity influence, and sound patterns.


Choosing a name for your baby can be an exciting and challenging process.

Remember, your child’s name will be with them for their entire life, so take your time and choose a name that you and your child will love.

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